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Adventures in Intuition

We all have moments where we connect with a feeling that there may be more to the simple sights and sounds of life, something hiding under the surface of our perceptions. About a year ago, when I committed to learning more about connecting with that feeling and amplifying its volume, I had no idea that it would lead my mind down such a radical path of beliefs and life experiences. I’ve been a skeptic in the past, but my life experience over the past year has instilled a certainty in me that the inner voice we all question and doubt its worth, truly is the source of miracles and amazement in our lives. The spiritual lessons I’ve learned seemed to have come to me at the perfect time, and while I’ve explored these aspects of thought in the past, they’ve never sunk in quite like they have for me recently.

The way I’ve been living my life, and I can say that I’m happier than I’ve ever been, is by accessing the feeling of gratitude for everything I have and want in my life and just witnessing the story that unfolds. It was something I was certainly skeptical about in the beginning until I started to experience the immense love and joy inherent in this process, and I’ve never looked back. By focusing your energy on the life that you know really exists under all the societal, egoistic, selfish clutter created in the mind, you get inline with the power of your life outside of your body, your bank account or your preconception of the world. Once you convince yourself of the power that you have over your reality and witnessing it first hand is the best way to convince yourself, there is a sense of peace and joy that begins to flood your inner-being. At first, I thought that this peace came from not having to worry about bad things happening because my mind was in control, but I came to learn that that rational was rather nonsensical. We experience bad, challenging thing that often times feel horrible given our narrow view of our lives, but when we consider the cosmic purpose of our souls and actually feel that purpose through love and gratitude, we take every event in our lives as steps along the way to unleashing the bliss that resides in all of us, and realizing that bliss is the birthright of our planet. Accessing this spiritual power is simple, you focus your energy and intention on the things you want out of life, courageously follow the coincidence that happens moment to moment surrounding your intentions, and constantly fuel the people and circumstances of those coincidences with that positive, universal energy. The more energy you give to people and the events in your life, the more clear the answers and insights will come to you through the universal intelligence we are all apart of.

When you first learn about the power of the mind and your personal ability to manifest anything you can conceive into your life, the obvious initial desire is to manifest a great life for yourself; plenty of money, lots of friends, loads of free time to do what you. As you continue to connect with this universal energy by focusing on gratitude for everything that is, you start to realize the deeper levels of fulfillment that exist and your previous desires seem less important, you start being more interested in connecting with other creative beings, feeling love for the simple things and inspiring others in the world to feel equal beauty that you’ve discovered. In my spiritual coincidental searching, I have met people who claim that the only thing they need to be happy is water, and freeing themselves of the delusions of the body leads to even higher spiritual vibrations.  Now, that’s going pretty far down the rabbit hole, but as I’ve been asking questions and watching the answers manifest in my life, I’ve opened myself to radical ways of thinking that I would have previously dismissed. The more and more we witness the miracle and magic that our life really is, the more willing we are to accept more seemingly out-of-the-box ideas.

For some reading in, you may think what I’m proposing is pretty pie-in-the-sky, an overly-esoteric idea. Others reading along couldn’t agree with me more as you have witnessed everything I’m talking about. When I started this blog, it was originally to get comfortable communicating these ideas to the world, an outlet to face my fear of people thinking I was crazy or just a hapless dreamer by illogically following these beliefs. I’ve learned to deal with these opinions, and have come to see that we all have our own paths in life and I want to share my experiences to empower anyone else who has felt the same thing I’m going through and hope to open some other peoples eyes to these soul experiences I’m convinced I’ve witnessed. I’d love nothing more than to hear from people who have some belief in this concept but are struggling with certain doubts about the absolute nature of our mind and the universe. The true power lies in that belief, so I’d love to explore everyone’s beliefs around the topic, strengthen all of our beliefs, answer any questions people have, and hear some stories of peoples magical life experiences. Love you guys.



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