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Big Island of Hawaii You Don't Know

Big Island is the youngest island in the archipelago of Hawaii, called “big” because the area twice the size larger than all the other islands and atolls groups combined. But the territory of the island is at the period of “making of”, because of five active volcanoes.

There are two existing theories of creating the name of this island. The first – the island was received from legendary Polynesian navigator Hawaiiloa, second – it was named Havayiki ancient land, where there were all Polynesians, and where they go to the other world after death. The diversity of the archipelago is explained by the combination of desert, tropical forests, volcanic areas on its territory blocking the northeast trade winds and making the leeward west side of the driest part of the archipelago. That is the reason why most of the resort areas of focus here. The territory of the windward east coast includes its volcanic landscape, deep gorges, majestic waterfalls, rugged surf, often rainy weather and dense arrays of tropical forests. This island is not actively developing its tourism, unlike its neighbor at the North. It can be explained by the fact of constant volcanic eruptions. Besides, large tracts of protected areas can be accessed only by special permission.

Here is the most active caldera planet – Kilauea (Kilauea, 1247 m), the most massive volcano land – Mauna Loa (4,169 m, and if you count from the bottom of which lies on the ocean floor, the total height of the volcano is almost two times higher than Everest) and the Museum of Volcanology and seismography Jaggar. Between the national park and the tiny town of Naalehu, you can find the stunning lava fields Desert Kau, frightening landscape of cones, pillars, and rivers of lava on the western slopes of the volcanic massif. Besides, old craters Pauahi, Kohala or Hualalai, black sands of Kalapana are astonishingly beautiful. And if you are interested in hiking, you can visit picturesque 600-meter high cliffs, valleys, waterfalls, covered with dozens of dense forest canopy.

Black beaches and ancient forests of Kohala Bay are surrounded by lava fields. On the west coast, a National Historic Park Hawaiian culture Puuhonua-O Honaunau is situated. You cannot help but visiting such a majestic place like cliff-Ka Lae located in the southern part of the island, as well as botanical gardens and waterfalls World Umauma north of Hilo, Sedi-Semur, Nani Mau.



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